This page shows you the settings needed for various devices and operating systems so that you can receive and send emails when you are using the Abthorpe Broadband Association / Tove Valley Communities Superfast Broadband service. <- Select your email address's domain. If it does not appear here, we cannot help you with email settings. If you would like an email address attributed to one of these domains, ask us through the Contact Us page.
Use webmail to check your credentials.
First of all, if you have a address, check that your username and password are correct by logging into webmail. Do this by visiting webmail. Type your username, which is your name followed by @abthorpe - e.g. sam.brown@abthorpe - DO NOT include the .net bit. Type your email password, and click login.
You should be taken to the webmail page. If you get an authentication error message, your basic username and password information is incorrect and you must verify this before attempting other settings.
Once you have confirmed your username and password you can collect and send your emails through webmail wherever you can connect to the internet in the world.
Setting up an email client
If you are setting up your email account on a PC or mobile app, do not let the app try to connect automatically but go to the manual setup. You will normally have to enter the following information: (we use as our example)
As a guide, you can find these settings here:
Accept all the entries right back to your email window and click the send/receive button. You should now be in business.
Other settings
If you log into webmail, there are various settings available to you:
There is a maximum 500Mbytes total allowed storage of emails on the server. In some circumstances we may increase this for you.